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Can you answer these questions?
What have you learned from your life? | |
What do you think is the cause of racism? | |
If the earth is 4.5 trillion years old as atheists say, then why does the bible says that its 6,000 years old? |
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I would never be thinking about something so much if it did not exist. ... The answer to this question is very simple atheism is a religion just like Christianity just like Judaism, just ... .. Category: Atheists & Agnostics | 2 Replies. |
Why Don't Atheists Want There to Be a God? - Tough Questions...
This is contrary to the received wisdom of many atheists who argue that belief in ... You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. ... . reading and commenting on (I'm assuming you do that since you spend so much ... .. A category mistake is an error in logic in which one category of a thing is ... |
Fifteen Questions for Atheists • Hume's Apprentice - Skeptic Ink
What follows are the questions and my answers. 1. Why are atheists ... It doesn't make much sense. Given atheism ... So how do atheists justify the fact of objective morality? If morals are ... . See here. Category: Uncategorized ... |
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Your fundamental beliefs are decided by much deeper levels of ... If a tendency to believe in the reality of an intangible network is so deeply wired into ... creation that the literati have even created a specific category for the minority ... natural and deeply rooted, the question arises: where does atheism fit in? |
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I asked this question because an atheist schooled me on my own book. I study ... Why do atheists spend so much time studying and debating about God and the Bible? ... ... Atheists would be in this category if it weren't for the next group: ... The second major point you raised is answered much more simply. |
An intuitionist answers Matt Slick re: atheist morality. | The Prime ...
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Similar Questions: Question atheists convey sympathy dies ... Answers. Answer from MidwestPurgatory. 2 people found this helpful ... . Why do the atheists seem to spend so much time in the religion category." (5 answers). |
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Science is not perfect (and scientists much less so) but it begins with a claim of ... Why do some atheists and agnostics feel the need to try to answer questions that ... This gives us two broad categories of options: unpack the box completely, ... |
Dear Atheist, Why Do You Care if I pray to God? The Answer...
August 10th, 2014 | Tags: atheist, children, christian, facebook, god, meme, Religion | Category: Liberty, Religion ... I'm writing this comment to focus the much bigger problem; a very subtle but ... . My answer, and the goal of my effort, is to give EVERYONE insights into the larger questions so each of them ... . |