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Why are atheists more concern about Christianity than Islam ...
I know it is because the US, for example, is considered a Christian country but isn 't ... From my research the dates of the old testament writings is between 1500 bc and ... . Why do atheists think it is only worthy to speak out against something if it affects them personally? ... Some religions are so old that doctrines are outdated... |
Pope Francis: All go to Heaven, even atheists - Stand Up For The Truth
Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics ... Using scripture from the Gospel of Mark, Francis explained how upset ... said in his homily, because they say, “If he is not one of us, he cannot do good. ... Of course, not all Christians believe that those who don't believe will be ... .. |
Biblical Scholars: Actually, 'Traditional Marriage' Isn't Just One Man ...
we wish to clarify that the biblical texts do not support the frequent claim that ... of divorce and remarriage, along with some more antiquated guidelines: ... Accordingly, we must guard against attempting to use ancient texts to regulate ... Jessa Duggar: Atheists Don't Exist and Science Proves Creationism. |
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"Atheists have no moral compass without the Bible"- What is a good ...
Naturally, it's utter BS because it stereotypes all atheists, but still, I was ... . And they believe humans had a moral compass before the Bible existed. ... Or, did they simply say "We must do what this entity commands or we will be punished? ... . There have been studies that find empathy in 9 months old babies... |
Arguments we think creationists should NOT use - creation.com
Evolutionists continually revise their theories because of new data, so it should ... So we urge Christians to ensure that their stance comes from being pro-Bible, not a ... But the ancient records did not record time that precisely, so the required ... . This is not true, since some changes do confer an advantage in some situations. |
10 Reasons Atheists Are More Moral Than Religious ...
In my experience, the bible goes on, especially in the old testament, about how to ... I also think a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body. ... .. Sadly, many Christians are following these outdated rules because ... |
Atheism - RationalWiki
Most atheists also do not believe in anything supernatural or paranormal. ... .. However, atheists reject these as insufficient because the naturalistic ... naturalistic explanations renders the supernatural explanations obsolete. ... to look like, viz., an entity in the vein of the God of the Old Testament who runs ... . |
Eleven Kinds of Verses Bible-Believers Like to Ignore | ValerieTarico
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I [Jesus] ... As is, Christians simply ignore the eating advisories in the Old Testament, even ... . If much of the Bible get ignored because it is morally irrelevant, immoral, outdated, ... .. Many who DO read the Bible thoroughly end up atheists after ... |
Which Bible Translation is Best? - Common Sense Atheism
This excludes outdated versions like the King James Version, ... the Jewish Bible (the “Old Testament”) in light of Christian polemics (the “New Testament”). ... In summary, I think the most basic Bible study collection should include: ... because he is committed to conservative Christian doctrine which hijacks ... |
Some Reasons Why Humanists Reject The Bible
They believe that because the writers of the Bible lived in an unenlightened era, ... . a few of the hundreds of contradictions contained in the Old and New Testaments. ... . a fundamental principle of science is that the laws of nature do not change, ... .. 12 McCabe, Joseph, The History of Torture (Austin: American Atheist Press, ... . |
Atheists use a popular Bible app to evangelize about unbelief ...
That version is so inaccurate and outdated that mostly only the ... . I am a Christian , I read and believe the Bible, but I do not believe that it is a rule ... of the old version of the Bible, “because we only believe in the truth and the ... |
Is the atheist argument that states the immorality contained in holy ...
OUTDATED/WEAK: EXPLAINED IN DETAILS (sorry for bad wording) ... Yes, just because the Bible allows slavery does not mean Christians take that as a justification. ... Question That Contains Assumptions: What do atheists believe ... . do atheists seem more interested in 4000-year-old slavery laws from a ... |
The Hard Truth about the Bible - Umcs.org
But, as I grew older I started to realize that those bible stories were simply the ... He said, "One day a member of my church asked me, 'Do you believe in the bible ? ... than denying belief of the bible because of the contradictions (as atheists do). ... . translation became outdated, especially with the discovery of older codi... |