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[Ramadan] Is lucozade (drink) really haram? | |
Rook piercing throbbing and sore? | |
If you found out that someone at your work was an atheist, what kinds of things can you do to get him fired? |
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Are Atheists Really Smarter Than Religious People? | TheBlaze.com
“Knowing that a person is religious would not lead me to bet any money on ... What do you think — are religious people dumber than atheists? |
Does It Matter That Atheists Are Smarter Than Believers?
You may have seen similar - or contradictory -- reports in the past. ... plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, ... And yet the finding, and the very act of me writing this column, drips with confrontational implications. Does the fact that non-believers are, on average, more intelligent ... |
Are atheists smarter than believers? Not exactly. - Religion News ...
You clearly are just scared of intelligent people and think that all ... Do agnostics have IQ's higher than atheists but lower than believers? ... .. It seems to me you're just implying that you don't like smart people because they're ... |
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If you are one of those atheists, why do you think that way, and how do you ... . In my opinion, atheists will be, on average, more intelligent than theists, ... . People like you tick me off because you just seem like you want to feel ... |
Research says Atheists are smarter than Theists. What do you think...
I have read some articles that suggest Atheists are generally smarter than ... Who do you think was more fearful? ... .. Could you give me a chapter and verse? |
So you atheists think you are smarter than Einstein? - Patheos
"Do you guys think you are smarter than Einstein, who proved the ... and tell me that this is the same Einstein that you think so highly of that you ... |
Most Smartest and Sacred: Are Atheists Really Smarter than Us?
Maybe it's not that Atheists are smarter, categorically, than Christians; ... conclusion that 'atheists are smarter,' even if smart people say they can prove it. ... Tell me where you think morals come from, what the meaning of life is. |
Are you smarter than an atheist? A religious quiz - CSMonitor.com
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the ... How will you do on the quiz? ... 1. When does the Jewish Sabbath begin? |
Are Atheists Smarter than Christians? | The Confident Christian
In other words, if you believe in God, you're really not OK; at least, not where ... Are unbelievers really smarter than Christians or other people of faith? ... Paul told his apprentice Timothy, “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you ... Is an atheist smarter than me because he/she doesn't believe o... |