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Are Utd fans looking forward to the CL this week ? | |
Why do the abandoned/adopted want to find their birth parents? | |
I need some good English girl name? |
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9 things I wish I knew before I chose my baby's name - Parents - Today
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COPENHAGEN — If Denmark somehow morphed into the celebrity ... Italy defies them, choosing a first and last name for a child is a serious, ... "You shouldn't stand out from anyone else here; you shouldn't think ... The measure, which would add names to the official list, ... . Vice Has Media Giants Salivating... |
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And when you announce the name after the baby is born, everyone has to pretend they like it to your face no ... Parents choosing a name have a few options: ... But the Top 10 in 2012 only includes one name from that list—William. ... Benefits: No one will ever question your balls; If the kid is awesome, then it's awesome. |
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You can choose to sort the results by popularity, length or ... company, this would be a great starting point to choose a name that also had a ... In other words, if you' re looking for a creative name that's ... You can generate a completely random list of words or you can enter a main keyword and their tool wil... |
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8 Countries With Fascinating Baby Naming Laws | Mental Floss
Here in the U.S., you can name your kid almost anything, but that's not the ... To do this, parents can choose from a list of only 7,000 pre-approved names, some for girls, some for boys. If you want to name your child something that isn't on the list, you have to ... A name has to pass a few tests to be approve... |