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Three days before the event, organisers realised the march would be larger than 60,000 ... Poll Tax Riot 31st Mar 1990 Trafalgar Square - Police Pinned down ... . Jump up ^ Nicholas Wood, Robin Oakle... |
Why would you want to be a cop? - CNN.com
Former police officer Peter Moskos says high ideals often give way to stress, ... When Peter Moskos asks criminal justice students: "Why do you want to be a cop ? ... Every year I take an informal survey of the undergraduate students I ... .. Yes sir, no sir, was the only answer my parents ever taught me to use ... |
Do Americans trust their cops to be fair and just? New poll contains ...
One question was surprisingly less divisive: “Would you approve of your ... . an LEO was ever charged there are no known convictions in any court. ever. ... . I want to trust my police but when they lie about traffic tickets can you ... |
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So you think you want to be a police officer? - PoliceOne
... Pole Cameras · Power Management · Pursuit Management Technology · Radar ... . He said to me, “Not getting hired was the best thing that ever happened to me. I look at you now, and what you have gone through the past 20 years, and I would ... I don't want to be like you, or have the jaded view of the world lik... |
PoliceOne's Gun Control Survey: 11 key lessons from officers ...
If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browser's Help menu ... . In March, PoliceOne conducted the most comprehensive survey ever of ... police overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry, would like to see more guns in the ... |
Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Cop? | Sandy Malone
"I would NEVER tell anyone to become a cop now," he says. "If you want to help people, you should become a firefighter." Then again, the ... |
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Tuesday's sting operation by county police in Bethesda drew both praise and criticism. ... Poll: Would You Stop Using Your Cell Phone While Driving if You Might ... “We want to emphasize this is nothing but and all about safety for the ... their body weight... because drivers never EVER do anything wrong or ... |