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Agnosticism is a doctrine or set of tenets rather than a religion as such. ... Terms such as agnostic atheism (the view of those who do not believe in the existence of ... A weak agnostic would say,... |
I Don't Believe in a God – What Should I Call Myself? | ValerieTarico ...
But the upside is that religious or spiritual labels offer a way of defining who we are. ... beyond merely advocating church-state separation or science education. ... Weak agnosticism can mean simply “I don't know if there is a God,” or ... . residentatheist, you do not need to believe in the supernatural to know ... |
How can one believe in science and religion at the same time ...
Those that believe religion is a set of beliefs/rites/myths that either should not be tested or ... EINSTEIN: Do you believe in the Divine as isolated from the world? ... . And beyond that end is everything we don't know--it's all the uncharted waters, ... |
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A good life without religion
You may want to know more because you're fed up with the way that religion is ... But calling yourself atheist doesn't say what you do believe in, only what you don't. ... we can gain knowledge through scientific research and looking at the natural world ... Most Humanists don't believe in God or belong to any religion, ... |
How do atheism and agnosticism differ? | Dictionary.com Blog
The serious intellectual applying logic and science should fall into the category ... My belief is ,i wish to believe there is a God but i just don't know. ... I do believe in Jesus as a strong religious man from the past but I just cannot ... |
Religion vs. science | The Daily Californian
And I feel like this is the very mindset that makes it difficult to believe in God. ... I know many people who try to harmonize science and religion even though ... . You and I can do good science (I am a scientist, I don't know about ... |
A Templeton Conversation: Does science make belief in God ...
We don't know if species are innate to complex molecules, etc. ... That's not the question, but "Does science makes believe in God obsolete? ... . Religion will last and have its remarkable role as moral corrective in the mentality of the many, ... |
Richard Feynman on Science vs. Religion and Why Uncertainty Is ...
I do not believe that science can disprove the existence of God; I think ... . We don't know how to answer the questions; it is impossible to find an ... |