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The Entitlement Mentality of Liberals | thenationalpatriot.com
We were all told, by liberals, socialists and Obama that healthcare provided by the government was a RIGHT. ... Do you recall Brown's response? ... They feel THEY are entitled and a government which shares that mind set ... |
Why do liberals feel they are entitled to things they did not earn ...
I'm not even talking about healthcare, which as a Canadian I do not oppose, but many of the more extreme examples that liberals feel they ... |
Liberal vs. Conservative Values - a Comparison | News-Basics
The ideals and principles underlying liberal and conservative politics: an analysis . ... They struggle to put food on the table, or can't afford medical care—and many ... When we allow the most dynamic, successful members of society to do what ... .. millions of Americans who don't feel that “left,” “right,” “liberal,” “conservat... |
Health Care and the Profit Motive > Publications > National Affairs
When it comes to health care, liberals and conservatives often seem to be living in ... Or is it a basic right to which any citizen of a wealthy country is entitled, and ... to constrain costs in a third-party system shrivel further when individuals do not ... .. Replacing the entire system with a sweeping government program might feel ... |
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Democrats are able to see in retrospect that conservatives were always ... health-care law — something reality has since forced him to do, and ... . I wouldn't feel comfortable expecting other people who also had nothing to do ... |
Yes, Health Care is a Right -- An Individual Right - Forbes
Insights into health care and entitlement reform. ... . If he doesn't do what the government has told him to do, the Social Security ... . By the classical liberal understanding of negative rights, that mother who bears a child with ... |