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Harm reduction
In the case of recreational drug use, harm reduction is put forward as a ... .. Harm reduction has come to represent a philosophy in which illicit substance use is ... |
Why philosophy students do the most drugs | Society | The Guardian
Stuart Jeffries: Nearly 90% of them have taken drugs, a higher proportion than in ... I mention it because Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus used ... |
PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY | CODA - Council on Drug Abuse
The Council on Drug Abuse is proud of the work which we do and the way in which we do it. Our expert educators deliver programs that have been built around a strict philosophy. What follows ... What is your favorite CODA program? : DRUGS ... |
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Harm Reduction | Public Health Approach to Drug Use | Drug Policy ...
The harms of drug use should be reduced using education, illness and injury ... Harm reduction is a public health philosophy and intervention that seeks to reduce ... Tell your Senators to cosponsor the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. |
Drug Legalization | Philosophy Talk
Ken and John discuss the philosophical issues underlying arguments for and against the ... He thinks good arguments can be made for legalizing drug use. ... . Make your tax-deductible contribution now through Stanford University's secure ... |
What is your philosophy on drug use? : enfj - Reddit
I believe they are more "hippy" drugs, which suits my life philosophy as ... all the research being currently undertaken to use these substances ... |
Philosophical Disquisitions: Should recreational drug use be ...
That recreational drug use can be bad for your health is a common and probably well-justified belief. But is this enough for its criminalisation to ... |
Philosophy and Addiction - The New York Times
Philosophy is one of the oldest areas of inquiry. Out of control behavior fueled by alcohol and other drugs is one of the world's oldest problems. |
Passages Holistic Addiction Treatment Philosophy - Addiction Ends ...
We do not believe that drug or alcohol dependency is a disease. Instead, we believe your addiction is the result of one or more of the following four causes: |
Principles of Harm Reduction - Harm Reduction Coalition
Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a ... |