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biology - Magic that alters living cells - How to efficiently battle with it ...
In my world, magic is a force that by its nature changes living cells. ... Other questions, using this magic (the above is the main one, but if you can answer ... .. people sugggest) mess with thier senses, or get make their body produce an aneasthtic. ... and then increasing the metabolism until the heat causes combustion is one ... . |
SSE #88: Hyponatremia in Athletes - Gatorade Sports Science Institute
The risk of hyponatremia can be reduced by making certain that fluid intake does ... challenge to physiological homeostasis and performance, but hyponatremia ... That hyponatremia can prove fatal to otherwise healthy athletes is reason enough ... .. If this were true, then the pre-to-post-exercise change in body weight would ... |
Metabolism and ketosis - The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
By reducing the body's need for sugar, less protein is required, allowing the ... If you keep the carbs low enough so that the liver still has to make some ... of glucose to make up the deficit, so you will generate ketones that entire time. ... . are off, but if you change your eating habits for the better, it will ... |
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If it's hot but not humid, place a shallow bowl of ice in front of a fan and enjoy the breeze. ... through and evaporate, slightly cooling the contents of the pitcher. ... .. for homeostasis, but the change would just not be significant enough to ... Cold drinks will only cause your body to produce enough extra heat t... |
The Carb-Sane Asylum: Mechanical Work, ATP, and Macronutrients ...
ΔG rxn = change in free energy ... Some analogies can be drawn between a combustion engine and our ... Whatever chemical energy that is lost as heat along the way has ... .. The pathways produce the same amount or ATP per molecule so if the ... . Homeostasis is what the body tries to do, but everyone in ... |
Can we make machines that run on ATP or glucose? If not, why ...
I was wondering if we could make a device that will extract energy from bloodflow . ... in creating a machine that could be regulated precisely enough to do this with ... . that runs off room temperature (or slight above room temperature) heat? ... .. You body's homeostasis works hard to keep glucose levels in the ... |