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American atheists: How do you feel about "One Nation Under God", "In God We Trust", and "God Bless America"? |
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Good Catholics don't need to breed 'like rabbits' – Pope Francis ... - RT
Good Catholics don't need to breed 'like rabbits' – Pope Francis ... developing countries with the introduction of Western family values, such as birth ... indirectly been influencing the morals of younger people in poorer countries, ... . from *poor & ignored dollar-starved 3rd world* like the colony Phi... |
CatholicHerald.co.uk » It's hard not to take the Pope's remarks about ...
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To claim otherwise is to treat third world parents with an unwarranted degree of ... as if they will "breed like rabbits" unless an elite corps of Western pressure group activists ... . and the 0.1 to cover people who, for various reasons, do not reproduce. ... There are still very large differences between rich and poorcount... |
Pope says birth control ban doesn't mean breed 'like rabbits' | Reuters
Catholics should not feel they have to breed. ... attacking traditional family values in developing countries. ... tried to influence lifestyles and morals of young people in poorer nations, ... He told of an education minister he once knew who was offered loans to build schools for the poor, but on condition their ... |
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