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Many plecos actually have teeth on their skin called "odontodes," and in males ... aquarists classifying their plecos by an L-number, like L025 for the "red-tailed ... .. This site gave me plenty of info on plecs i had 2 had to split the m up they ... I've never raised one though, because, I did do my h... |
Pleco Fish Profile, with care, maintenance requirements and ...
Your browser does not support the IFRAME tag. ... They have completely changed my mind about plecos (which I did not like before I became an aquarium owner. ... But what really caught my eye was its tail or twin tails I should say. The tail is about 10" long with about 7" being split in two very fine thin whips for tales. |
Fantail goldfish - Goldfish Care Guide
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Not only plants enhance water quality, they also help to divide ... As it's already mentioned above, Bristlenose pleco's are peaceful ... Why do my catfish swim towards the top of the tank? ... . Some are brown with gold spots and others are black with white spots, all have the half crescent moon on their tails, ... |
Bristlenose Pleco | Keeping Tropical Fish
I have read that some aquarists say that bristlenose plecos are the best “cure” ... . the other stumpy who lost tip of his tail is doing well and not being bullied luckily : ) ... Will do thanks its taken 7 weeks and investing in a test kit and my levels qre ... . to the male being starved so its sometimes a good idea to split the pair for... |
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I have a black moor who has splits in both of his caudal fins at the bottom. All my ... My moor is fairly aggressive, but he doesn't nip tails he just chases away any ... But I do know Plecos are a type of catfish, from the "Fish Almanac" at work. ... Though its my understanding that gill flukes can actually show up ... . |
L144 - plecoplanet Forums
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