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How do I calculate the resistor value for a simple LED circuit?
However, if I use a 35Ω resistor, then the LED breaks. ... LED) your resistor has the be 1V / 30 mA = 33 Ohm." Why do we use the difference? |
LED Current Limiting Resistors - SparkFun Electronics
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Why we use 330 ohm resistor to connect a LED? - Electrical ...
Correct formula for LED current-limiting resistor? Why we use 330 ohm ... How do I calculate it ? what's the purpose of it ? Is there a specific ... |
Types of Resistors and How To Choose One - Build Electronic Circuits
Usually, you can just use the cheapest resistor you can find with the ... If your schematic does not tell you the necessary power rating for the ... |
LED Resistor Calculator - Ohms Law Calculator
Calculate resistor values for LEDs using this simple calculator. ... To use the calculator, enter any three known values and press "Calculate" to solve for the ... |
LED Resistor Calculator
LED Resistor Calculator. ... For Peltier Modules please use PeltierModules.com. For LEDs and LED products use ... Single led: Single led with single resistor. |
How do i know what resistor to use to drop something fomr 9v to 5v ...
i am trying to find out how to calculate the ammount of voltage a resistor will drop something, if i know the volts and Ohms of something i can ... |