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Overstayer in the uk? | |
Why are atheists criticizing Josh Duggar for cheating on his wife? Haven't atheists ever cheated? | |
Anyone who works as anything dental related HELP? |
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This article is about criticisms of the Bible as a source of reliable information or ethical ... . Elaine Pagels has proposed that there are several examples of gnostic ... Many of these have contain... |
Debate:Grave errors/inconsistencies in the Bible make literal ...
The bible cannot truly be taken literally, because its facts contradict itself. ... their lives, as if they did, they'd realize how truly ridiculous some of the errors are. ... Be careful; the Bible has withstood the test of scholarship for milenia and you are ... and making up a third piece to try and cover it, and that's how a... |
Do the “Infancy Narratives” of Matthew and Luke Contradict Each ...
Strange Notions ... What do atheist skeptics and liberal Scripture scholars have in common? ... . We are not going to get to all of the “contradictions” claimed, but as one other ... . If it's the intent of the human authors, then there are clearly errors. ... .. The Church has made enough sense of the Bible to know that no part of it ... |
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Atheists do tend to put a higher priority on quality of life than theists do, since atheists view this life as the only one they get. ... what they see is a book of superstition which is filled with factual errors and contradictions. ... It's a sillynotion that scientists are conducting experiments to try to dispro... |
11 silly things that some atheists say. | Historical Jesus studies.
For example, the head-in-the-sand atheist has often told me that I ... The Bible is history as it is a library (66 books) of historical texts that provide us with information. ... Shook's says if you can show that something is a self-contradiction , ... . Or do you know that you are making multiple, skin-crawling erro... |
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He is therefore an atheist. ... However, he has now come out and declared that there is no God. He gave ... I do worry, though, about Hawking's sweetly divine faith in humanity. ... ... I get what you're saying about the contradictions. ... .. is clearly laid out in the bible, it's chock full of mistakes and c... |
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That is, the atheist has nothing to justify, no belief to defend or ... It is silly to define atheism in such a way that not only babies (as is ... Of course, most atheists do not claim to know with certainty that ... .. While it is clearly unrealistic to offer here a rundown of the alleged contradictions and errors in t... |
The many sins of Newsweek's expose on the Bible (COMMENTARY ...
The Bible IS, in fact, “loaded with contradictions” (see e.g. http://bibviz.com/). ... Look, I get that fundamentalist Christians don't like it when they perceive ... Atheist Max ... It is true that he made errors when writing about religion, but that is ... . None of that has to do with rational examination of the B... |
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