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How many calories would I burn walking up and down Snowdon? | |
How do you unblock people on facebook? | |
Why are atheists criticizing Josh Duggar for cheating on his wife? Haven't atheists ever cheated? |
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When I'm talking with atheists or agnostics who are passionately against any ... . And while it is true that scientific theories can never really be “proven,” ... Man (an accidental misclassification rather than a deliberate hoax), it was ... ... You believe the bible is the inspired word of a perfect god except where ... |
The Top 10 Reasons I Don't Believe in God | Alternet
The following is an excerpt from Why Are You Atheists So Angry? ... Even among people who do believe in God, there is no agreement about ... and experience... but they should never be treated as the final word on a subject. ... .. or any of the other classic arguments intended to quash debate rather than ... |
A Library Of The Best 40 Atheist Arguments Against God/religion ...
If you want to argue, please quote the argument and then make a ... -No insults or vulgar words. ... -God can not be proven by science which is the main way we study ... and the threat of eternal torment in scaring people to believe God, ... says so, rather than continuing to lie so he can get more presents? |
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Like I said, many atheists do not believe in objective moral facts. ... But a moral theory that refers to God's perfect knowledge of morality that is NOT grounded ... . The US is much more “Christian” than civilized nations. ... . error theory is right ( that depends on what you mean by morality), but rather because to ... |
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“Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. ... These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical ... . I just believe in one fewer god than you do. ... ... True scientists say, “ We are aware that our theories and conclusions are not perfect, just the best fit for ... |
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Christians often say things like, “How can you believe that a monkey gave ... To the atheist, “I believe becauase I have faith in God” sounds as silly ... ... But the feeling turned out to be shallow rather than real; it was made ... . perfect knowledge to this large book to be able to say that the word “cat” is not there... |
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