Where do people get this silly idea that Earth is trillions of years old when God says it's only 6,000?
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Is it possible that God created the universe 6000 years ago in a state ...
A lot of answers here do mention the points I'm about to make. ... But on the off chance you do not have the time to view the video, I'll ... Your idea is not entirely novel. ... argument for a young (less than 10,000 years old) earth/universe? ... So therefor, God had to create not only the far away stars, but also ... |
How old is the world? What is the age of the universe? - Aish.com
The world may be only some 6000 years old. God ... . It's obvious that we have to dig deeper to get the information out. ... In the closing speech that Moses makes to the people, he says if you want to see the fingerprint of God in the ... . we live out two years on Earth, only three minutes will go by on that planet. |
How old is the Earth? - edberry.com
The only way these home schooled students would ever hear ... If it's not measurable, it's religion. God ... Nowhere in the Bible does it say the Earth is 6000 years old. ... The idea of a young Earth did not arise until the fourth century. ... Philosophically, an all-powerful God could have created, in the last ... |
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Why did God leave out hundreds of years of documentation between certain ... I sometimes think that when people ask this question, the “question behind the ... was written in the first century A.D. So even if the earth is only 6000 years old (a super ... .. here is my idea about this 400 yr silence. the word says that a day is like a ... |
How Old Do You Think the Earth Is? - Science and Religion Today
This is an important finding, says Sehoya Cotner, a biology ... . I have no idea why some people think the Earth was created around 4,000 BC. ... . The earth is not 6000 years old, we have so many forms of evidence it's not even funny. ... . If the earth is only 6000 years old how can we have fossils that date ... |
Young Earth Creationism Attacked - Creation Moments
If the book of Genesis is literal history, then the Earth is about 6,000 years old. ... And to do that, they only prove the second law of thermodynamics, which says all ... Well, as has been voiced before, the Bible is either all true or none of it's true. ... . We are to simply tune people to Jesus and let God do the rest; I know fr... |
Debate:If the universe is young and it takes light millions of years to ...
8 Why 6000 years? ... We can only see the light that has reached the Earth so far.
... According to it, the fringes of the universe are billions of years old, but the ...
and in any event, it would contradict the verse in Isaiah that says that God is truth.
... .. It would have taken multi-trillions of years to achieve it in normal |