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Creationists aren't just trying to swim upstream against the weight of scientific ... .. Genetic engineering, integration of biology and technology, etc. will create moral ... . in geology, paleontology, physics, geophysics and stratigraphy. ... Young earthcreationism would be a lot more interesting if there were ... |
An insider's guide by a former young-Earth creationist - The Panda's ...
Most creationists believe that the theory of evolution was developed out of an ... actual history of how geology, paleontology, and biology built upon each ... pieces around the world and that the layers aren't actually consistent. ... ... If [A] is fully internally consistent, there will be some physics claims that ... |
101 evidences for a young age of the Earth and the universe ...
And there are now good reasons for thinking that it might have been quite intense in the ... Long-age proponents will dismiss this sort of evidence for a young earth by arguing ... . Creationists and scientists aren't talking about the same "Eve" here. ... etc., on all the way back to the first mitochondrion in the first eu... |
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To espouse creationism, he writes in Salon, “is to preclude ... you be a good scientist while believing in young-Earth creationism? ... McElwee gives an example: “Paleontology is functionally ... says, "The fool says in his heart that there is no God. More... -SPGx ... . The Chattanooga Killings Aren't Terrorism... |
Young-Earth Creationism Is Good for Science | Proslogion
There is a great article on the Creation Ministries International website called “ Why ... not thought possible or (2) The fossils aren't really millions of years old. ... Young-earth paleontologist Leonard Brand studied fossil footprints in a ... Why do I think young-earth creationism will produce these scientists? |
Soft tissue preservation in dinos is fodder for Creationists | Doubtful ...
All of the strict literal Bible-believer Young Earth Creationists whose writings I am ... . if you Google “ronald h. pine but some of them are scientists aren't they,” ... There's no claim that the world was created in more or less it's current form. ... is supported by geology, comparative biology, radiometr... |
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Paleontology ... Genuinely interested in learning more about how Christians understand ... beings that obviously lived before humans and aren't addressed in bibical text ... Someone subscribing to a young-earth creationist theory would probably ... . there are some very well educated people, some of them leading scientists, ... |
Skepticblog » A creationist mole and a sorry mess
A creationist working in the CSUN Biology Department was fired for preaching creationism on the job. But there's more to the case than meets the eye…. ... organizations who are once again claiming persecution by scientists. ... He claims to have mentioned that he was a young-earth creationist, but they ... |
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Young-Earth creationism is in the process of being rigorously tested for ... aren't easily solved and scientists must continue their research and patiently wait ... 8, 16-17, 18, etc. ... 5-6; and countless other examples in the literature, including most of the ... In support of this pattern, there is an unmistakable trend of small... |