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This is my last post for the Patheos Atheist Portal
“A virtue ethicist atheist whose transhumanism seems to be rooted in ... C'mon, convert already. ... I was ready to admit that there were parts of Christianity and ... It turns out I actually believed it was some kind of Person, as well as Truth. ... I'm sure there's a lot more explaining and arguing to do, ... |
7 Things Not to Say to the Atheist in Your Family - OnFaith
Atheists don't feel sorry for themselves, nor do they feel deprived of something real. ... Actually “happy holidays” very well may offend the non religious since is ... I'm a fervent atheist but I still say Merry Christmas to everyone around. ... .. like non-Christians should either convert to assimilate or hide ... |
Christians: Thoughts on having atheist/agnostic friends ...
2) Do you try to convert them to your religion? ... .. And if it's about how they look that's causing a tizzy, well, how do you expect them to ... . I'm a Christian and I have no problem with atheist or agnostic friends. ... . to reach people where they are ready and comfortable, and not make others feel that I'm forcing ... |
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The Atheist's Dilemma | Christianity Today
I tried to face down an overwhelming body of evidence, as well as the living God. ... Yet I could do nothing to right these wrongs. The Cross no ... |
My conversion story - TheoloGUI - Blogger
It allowed me to do very well at school, learn to play the piano, and get ... air as an atheist “If there is a God, then here I am, I'm looking into this, ... |
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Well, since I should be studying for my exams, I shall write this instead. ... I had come into the class as an atheist, but an atheist who was tired of being an atheist. ... . I learned that what we do in this world is more important than any world-to- come. ... Of course, I was ready to convert before I'd even seen t... |