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List of colors: N–Z
See also: List of colors: A–F, List of colors: G–M, List of fictional colors, List of colors ... This is a list of colors with names starting with the letters N through Z. ... Olive Drab... |
What color has three letters - Answers.com
No, not indigo. And so on and so forth... . Another possible approach to this particular problem would be to argue that every color has three letters in its RAL code, ... |
Wordnik: four-letter-colors
Four-letter colors. unLove; Tweet |. An open list of 38 words by ... markusloke commented on the list four-letter-colors. oh, and i just discovered blae, sore. sabz , ... |
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What colors have three letters in the name - Answers.com
What three letter word means watery color? hue ... What are the three seas which have colors in their name? ... Which river in England has a three letter name? |
Word List: Three-Letter Words - The Phrontistery
This list consists of 151 very obscure, very short words, each with only threeletters. My wife has always told me that size doesn't matter, and this list proves that ... |
3 letter word. Colors of paint falling, m&m candy colors, buttons with ...
3 letter word that means different colors ... Three letter word for a lot colors ... . source: What is level 43 on 4 pictures 1 word. it has different colored candies, ... |
Trends in colored letter synesthesia - MIT
[i]f a language has only two colors--and all languages have at least two--they are always white and black; if a language has three colors, the one added is red; ... |
only catching first 3 letters of 6 letter hex colors · Issue #6 · skammer ...
only catching first 3 letters of 6 letter hex colors #6. Open ... And equally, no change I've made to try to fix it has worked. At this point I have to ... |
Synesthesia: What color are your letters? - Change Conversations
Color associations with shapes and letters have always been there. ... me has two perspectives of the same three-dimensional string of letters ... |