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Do Fat People and Thin People Think Differently? - WorldLifestyle
Fat people believe they can always start over on Monday. ... If they lose focus and gain weight, you can bet it won”t be long before they”re back at their ideal ... |
Study: Many Obese People Think They Look Great the Way They ...
In a study of 2,056 obese people in Dallas County (all participants ... “you walk a fine line, because you don't want people to necessarily ... (More on Time.com: Do Parents Discriminate Against Their Own Chubby Children?). |
Obesity is NOT a disability and it's time fat people started taking ...
Just when you think the European courts can't be any more meddlesome or stupid, they ... Disabled people do NOT choose to be disabled. |
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Dr. Scott Saunders: 10 Myths That Obese People Believe
I think I have heard every excuse in the book. Because of this, I no ... In dealing with obesity, it is important to understand why you are overweight. If you don't deal ... . Most people who remain thin make a decision to do so. Yes ... |
Fat Americans Need a Healthy Dose of Shame | The Philly Post | News
You do. The same way that the non-obese eat the cost of new toilets that ... . For someone to think that fat people are not already shamed on a ... |
Overweight people are not lazy and dumb | ScienceNordic
Like it or not, it DOES say something about you as a person.” ... Many peoplethink those who are fat are generally lazy, dumb, greedy and ... “Obesity has very little to do with laziness and immorality,” says Jøran Hjelmesæth. |
Fatorexia: Overweight People Who Deny They Are Fat - Diet Blog
I am not happy to be fat & I do not think anyone can be happy at this size. ... I wonder if you're one of those stupid people who think they are intelligent. You come ... |
Reddit: What do YOU think of fat people? : AskReddit
The current delay is: - 60 minutes. You can see your comment score, but everyone else's score is hidden. Click to find out more. |
The Militant Baker: 25 Things Fat People Shouldn't Do:
Feel free to join in on the fun, and if you do, link at the bottom so I can share. ... . If you're so repulsed by fat people, then you would obviously think it's crucial for ... |