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Jehovahs Witnesses, I'm having doubts about the religion? | |
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The Scientific Case Against Evolution - Institute for Creation Research
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So instead I've broken it into two ideas: Responding to arguments againstevolution and showing some strong evidence for evolution. |
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What are some of the best arguments against atheistic evolution? ... There is of course no scientific law or demonstrable process that would let something evolve ... |
17 EVIDENCES AGAINST EVOLUTION. ... what they thought was millions of years, N.A.S.A. scientists were worried that the first lunar ship that ... . The main arguments for embryonic recapitulation are the supposed "gill slits" (left over from fish), ... |
9 Scientific Facts Prove the "Theory of Evolution" is False | Humans ...
Any student who uses logic and solid scientific evidence to question ... .. The Coelacanth is a star witness against the false theory of evolution. |
Scientific Proof Against Evolution
Shows scientific proof against the theory of evolution and evidence for creation, gives Christians many arguments to defend their faith. This site defends the ... |