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Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence – Gun Law Information Experts
Keeping California on the Leading Edge of Smart Gun Laws ... that individuals who commit gun-related crimes are much more likely than law-abiding citizens to ... The debate over allowing guns on campus is raging across America. So far in 2015, 16 states have introduced dangerous bills that would allow hidden, loaded ... |
Gun Safety & Public Health - Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ...
Basic Facts about Gun Ownership in the U.S. ... Public Health Solutions. Preventing High-Risk Individuals from Accessing Guns; Doctors, Guns, ... that saved their children, just as the infant I so well remember was saved by ... . likely to misuse firearms, such as prior violent crimes and the abuse of alcohol. |
Refuting Anti-Gun Control Arguments | The Progressive Cynic
Currently, there are 88 guns for every 100 people living in the United States (not even ... . “Guns are a right in our country so that we can rise up against a tyrannical ... . a convenient solution for society and, most of all, for the gun enthusiast crowd. ... .. high levels of gun ownership, but low levels of gun crime, so guns aren'... |
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Harvard Publication On Gun Laws Resurfaces ... - Boston Magazine
A study comparing international gun laws shows that getting rid of ... “There is a compound assertion that guns are uniquely available in the United States compared with ... is substantially so,” the authors point out, based on their research. ... things: unemployment, high welfare costs, AND high crime rates. |
Why is there so much gun violence in America? - Quora
5) widespread drug abuse and addiction and the crime that accompanies the ... 8 ) intense political resistance to any efforts to so much as discuss gun laws and regulations ... Solutions to "gun violence in America' would do best to focus on drug and gang ... There was a shooting threat at my high school two weeks ago. |
Gun control: America's gun divide | The Economist
The truth is that gun control is going nowhere, and one reason is that the millions of ... That gives the following rates: firearm crime fatalities—0.75 per million; gun ... . I am truly sorry that this is the only solution to this problem. ... So the high rate of "intentional homicides" in the US compared to e... |
What are the costs of gun ownership? - The Economist
“To have so many extremely thoughtful people moving to our state is really positive,” ... In America, obesity-related illness accounted for one-fifth of total ... But what is the relationship between gun ownership and gun crime? ... a combination of solutions: make it costlier to get guns in high-crime areas; ... |
Do Strict Gun Laws Really Stop Gun Crime? | TheBlaze.com
This article is part of a series on Guns in America that explores the use of ... gunlaws have fewer gun related crimes, thus partially obviating the need ... in local high schools are the strongest predictors of gun violence. ... . It just so happens that all the ones proposed are overly restrictive or simply hamfisted. |
Does Gun Control Reduce Crime? - CliffsNotes
On one side, some gun‐control advocates would like to see the government clamp ... And they point to the fact that, so far, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to ... |
Guns are not the sole reason why the U.S. has such unusually high ... Rates of non-lethal violent crime, adolescent fighting, and mental illness in the U.S. are ... We've tried gun control in this country—and it didn't work. Right? So what happened? ... Better regulation of gun sales is only part of the solution... |
Gun Violence in America: The 13 Key Questions (With 13 Concise ...
We tracked down the best of it so you don't have to. ... It's worth noting that violent crime rates of all types have been ... America has the highest rate of gunownership of any country in the world, by a ... . Background checks are promising because a high fraction of future killers already have a criminal reco... |