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If Jesus can heal the sick, why didn't he heal himself on the cross? | |
In 2 words please sum up Christianity? | |
Why do Atheists think its necessary for God to exist before we believe in Him? |
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Can You Believe in God and Evolution? - TIME
I see no conflict in what the Bible tells me about God and what science tells me about nature. Like St. Augustine in A.D. 400, I do not find the ... |
TIME Magazine -- Can You Believe in God and Evolution?
Science's tools will never prove or disprove God's existence. ... a seminal duct that hooks over the ureter like a garden hose snagged on a tree, ... Many people who accept evolution still feel that a belief in God is necessary to ... |
Why You Can't Reconcile God and Evolution | Alternet
They insist that you don't have to deny evolution to believe in God. ... of their great -great-thousands-of-times-over grandchildren wind up as ... |
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Creation or Evolution?—Why Believe in God? | Young People Ask
Do you believe that God created all things? If the answer is yes, would you like to be more confident in explaining why you believe in God? |
Ray Comfort explains why True Christians can't believe in evolution...
Ray Comfort explains why True Christians can't believe in evolution, or the water ... God,” is so mind-numbingly terrible that even fellow evangelical Christians ... . no evolution over tens of billions of years none of the metals we use in modern ... |
Is it more reasonable to believe in Creation over Evolution?
We should be able to examine the evidence for and against it rationally and judge its ... That means we must leave out ideas of "theistic evolution" - God causing ... |
Apologetics Press - Why Do People Believe in Evolution?
There is no controversy over this particular theory, which is accepted as ... . There can be little doubt that many today believe in evolution simply ... . For the person who stubbornly refuses to believe in God, belief in evolution becomes automatic. |
Can Christians Believe in Evolution? - The Real Truth Magazine
Decades ago, a belief in God was not accompanied by ridicule and scorn. ... is no longer a debate among scientists over whether evolution has taken place. |
Belief in God doesn't undermine evolution: Column - USA Today
And over 90% of Americans believe in God, which further reinforces that, ... should not present an either-or proposition between belief in God ... |
Can You Believe Both the Bible and Evolution? - Good News ...
Many believe that God has used the evolutionary process of natural ... have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all ... |
Can a Person Believe in Both God and Evolution?
He says, “Yes, you can [believe in both God and evolution], but when ... . I can't see how twisting the words of the Bible over and over again to ... |
How to Believe in God and Evolution: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
God and evolution do not have to be separate: many people easily understand and respect scientific theory and have complete faith in God, here's what you can say ... Meet Steve, a wikiHowian of over 3 years who loves patrolling tips and ... |