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Urban Dictionary: Low Information Voter
Top Definition. Low Information Voter. Uninformed people who vote, even though they have no idea whats going on in politics. Jake is a low information voter. |
The Tragedy Of Rush Limbaugh's Low Information Voter Theory ...
The Tragedy Of Rush Limbaugh's Low Information Voter Theory ... no factor perplexed me more than what I considered the rejection of one-third of ... . altar of Ronald Reagan while exposing the sins of the liberals of Hollywood ... |
The Low Info Voters' Club… | Liberal Logic 101
Perhaps gimmick candidates had something to do with it, granted. But I think that decreased "turnout" of people who didn't know they were ... |
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The sneering at America's 'low-information voters' is motored by an ...
The contempt being heaped upon so-called low-information voters is ... .. The liberals view all matters, social, moral, political as self evidently ... |
Upworthy — or, How we are losing the internet to lowest of low...
To follow up on that theme, I happened upon a website called Upworthy, ... And therein I learned what millions of very low-information young liberals ... We are losing the fight to the lowest of low information voters, who are ... |
The high cost of low information voters - Legal Insurrection
And therein I learned what millions of very low-information young liberals already knew — there is this website called Upworthy which is one ... |
Articles: Let's Hear It for The Low Information Voter - American Thinker
The "know-nothings" may yet hold the key to "taking our country back." For one thing, low-information voters are not committed liberals or ... |
Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats
However, Pew's data suggests that the Democrats' low average rating likely ... . Conservatives are known for finding fabricated facts (or fabricating them ... . Many rich people like to vote republicon because they are greedy and ... |
An Education for Liberals and other Low Information Voters - Pinterest
An Education for Liberals and other Low Information Voters ... . Yesterday Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup called Obama's assertion that the unemployment rate has ... |
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And then you've got the kind of low-information voter who doesn't need to know anything but how much he's getting from the government in ... |
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They are, increasingly, low information voters, living in willful or ... "The liberals we know and love, most of them anyway, aren't bad people. |
Who are the "Low Information Voters?" - Conservative Politics
A look at the group of voters commonly referred to as the "low information voters" ... While the Democrats knew they would lock up traditional Democratic voters, ... |
In This New Video Obama Reveals Majority of Democrats Are Low...
Attention all democrats vote early vote often like in the last electionWrite a ... .. I don't know if they are an example of “low information voters.”. |