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What's better, Taliana Jasmine or Skyla Jasmine? | |
What would it be like without Police? | |
Does anyone actually believe in God anymore? |
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Creationists Have Questions. I Have Answers. | Mother Jones
Not only that, his clear love and enthusiasm for science is infectious, and that to ... . 11) "Why do evolutionists/secularists/humanists/non-God believing ... 14) "IfEvolution is a theory (like creationism or the Bible) why then is ... 15) "Because science is 'theory'–not testable, observable, nor... |
Can science test the supernatural? Yes!! « Why Evolution Is True
This has not only been the basis of U.S. court decisions that ban ... rain, for instance, could be easily tested with controlled experiments. ... ... If we allow that the supernatural is testable and scientific, how do we ... . Religion cannot even make a good case for the existence of it's non-overlaping magisterium. |
Ian Stevenson's Case for the Afterlife: Are We 'Skeptics' - Scientific...
More often than not, Stevenson could identify an actual figure that once ... .. If the self is non-reducible then the question regarding how the self works is ... .. Except that evolution is not consistent, repeatable and was only testable after its ... Recent experiments have even proved that nonlocality — which for ... |
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(The situation isn't helped by poor science education generally. ... Again, adaptive (and even non-adaptive) variations abound in the natural world, but ... As for Dobzhansky's fruit fly experiments, it should be pointed out that an example ... .. As if that were not enough, while evolutionary literature may be replete with “jus... |
Selected Replies to "Is Psychology a Science?" - Arachnoid.com
That is why I chose this approach — there is no repeatable, reliable, testable content ... isn't even taught on many psych programmes or only as an example of how not to ... on its head: in controlled, repeatable scientific experiments, psychology has not ... If a scientist said this about a scientific textbook — "We know abou... |
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People can pretend to have PTSD, or pretend not to if they prefer that outcome, because ... It's not the failed experiments that make physics and biology sciences — it's the ... A quote: "Grit in psychology is a positive, non-cognitive trait, based on an ... .. By contrast, psychologists have yet to even outline a testable, ... |
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But this need not be a threat: some values in science govern how we regulate ... At the same time, scientists typically value reliability, testability, accuracy, precision, ... interventive experiments, confirmation of predictions, repeatability and, ... Weapons research, even if conducted according to Merton's norms and its result... |
Is the theory of evolution "testable"? - Straight Dope Message Board
“Science has to be testable [and] repeatable. ... Coudert said that though the theory is not testable, it does not mean ... . If wackos insist on legislating the supernatural into science ... "Testable" of course in a scientific context does not mean just that a something can be demonstrated by means of experiments. |
Who's really pushing 'bad science'? (rebuttal to Lawrence S. Lerner ...
Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States ... science' would assess real science like physics, chemistry, experimental biology, etc., ... The main scientific objection to the GTE is not that changes occur through time, and ... . 'Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is exclu... |
The top 10 signs that you don't understand evolution at all | God of ...
If the fossil record, genetic evidence, laboratory experiments and more had not ... Because, if anything is not observable or repeatable, it's creationism. ... (the idea that life can come from non-life under normal circumstances) being used ... .. to use science to say a miracle someone believes in, even if you don't, must not ... |