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Jesus Never Said There Wouldn't Be Any More Prophets
Doesn't it say in Amos that the “Lord God will do nothing, but he ... . came and taught doesn't mean that Christ will never send more prophets. |
Why didn't God send prophets to China? - Quora
Why did he only send prophets to Middle Eastern countries? Want Answers49 ... Why doesn't God send another prophet for present time to guide mankind? Could Paul ... He wouldn't make it onto any airplane today! It was the ... China may well have more practicing Christians than many other so-called Christian nations. |
Why Doesn't God Send Another Prophet for Present Time to Guide ...
Personally, it makes a lot more sense to me that God would send prophets as long ... God with Judaism,Islam and Christianity, but doesn't sermon through any ... |
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Why are there no more prophets? (salvation, genesis, Revelation ...
So why doesn't god reveal himself anymore? ... Ironically, Israel really didn't tend to listen to them any more than Christians listen to the Spirit ... |
THE TEST OF A TRUE PROPHET - The William Branham Home Page
This shows the "high esteem" in which God held His prophets. ... in the Word, asking people to line up with the Truth, most of the people followed him no more. ... OF COURSE, in verse 17, the Church doesn't agree with God's judgment. ... Systems of this day to Vindicate or Sanction any Prophet that God might send our ... |
Overview of Amos: God Doesn't Play Favorites | RayStedman.org
The message of Amos, one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, is somewhat ... He does not give any more to one than he does to another, in accordance with the ... . But for this reason, the prophet says, God is going to send judgment. |
Do prophets still exist today? | Scripture Alone
In other words, prophets took a word from God and gave it to God's ... This church doesn't “happen” as you put it any more ever since this ... |
False prophets and teachers: Here come more wolves - Stand Up ...
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should ... Not fearing to Baptize any in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. ... .. Doesn't Jesus say in the Bible that will manifest Himself to us? |
Why didn't Jesus give proof to the priests? - Christianity Stack ...
Why not prove Himself for exponentially more followers? ... Why doesn't God respond by sending lighting? ... In Luke 16:31, Jesus says, "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded ... . @GregMcNulty: I do not know of any, but that doesn't mean there weren't any; very few ... |