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What Does the Bible Say About Atheism? - OpenBible.info
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to ... . For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of ... |
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People and religions say you should love God, but I do not understand how I ... I do not want to lose my faith and I do not want to not have a chance of going to ... So on judgment day if I was to see very bad people who have repented and been ... |
ExChristian.Net - Articles: An Atheist on Judgment Day.
"Yet here you are, before your God, on the final Day of Judgment. ... . If I was ever in Eve's shoes I would have to say about the same thing (though maybe ... Faced with the ultimate 'proof' of His existence on Judgement Day she ... . Atheists 'know' what God is based on terms derived from science and the histori... |
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In Part 1 of the Rapture Series, we examined the Day of The Lord, the Biblical ... .. God was going to provide a supernatural victory against the city of Jehrico and destroy it. ... .. Wow, you are very quick to pass judgement! ... . most people (most say they believe in something) but the atheists are obsessed with ... . |
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You will still face your judgement when your day comes, remember that! ;) ... a " dedicated christian" you can judge and criticize others then say, "oh, God will just forgive me! ... Church: God Prefers Kind Atheists Over Hateful Christians ... . If you' re going to be a Christian hypocrite, promise me you'll at leas... |
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