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Survey: How does you dog let you know they have to go outside? | |
Will our country get back to being a great country after Obama destroyed it? | |
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Washington Free Beacon Claims Liberals Don't Believe In The Right ...
The article asserts that liberals don't believe in the right to offend, ... It's more like the publication has the right to hire and fire whomever it wants. |
Words That Don't Offend Liberals - Western Journalism
A Few Words On “Being Offended”. While not ... The concepts most Liberals have of some words are so humorous they really could fill a book. |
Bruce Willis Offends Liberals With Christmas Message To The ...
After explaining, “[N]ow is the time [our troops] need us most,” he went on to say, “ in support of our troops and military families stationed around ... |
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I would argue that conservatives are far more offended when asked the question "So, where are you really from? I mean, originally?" Of course, my sample size ... |
Bill Maher: 'Political correctness Nazis' too easily offended...
Bill Maher, a late-night liberal comedian and political commentator, ... overly politically correct society created more animosity between parties. |
Mad World News[Watch] Bruce Willis Offends Liberals With ...
[Watch] Bruce Willis Offends Liberals With Christmas Message To The ... After explaining, “[N]ow is the time [our troops] need us most,” he went ... |
Blue America: The land of the easily offended
Liberals regularly portray as offended women, African Americans, Jews, ... For another, liberal positions are far more emotion-based than ... |
Bossy liberal feminists have just invented another ridiculous reason ...
Bossy liberal feminists have just invented another ridiculous reason to be offended. Matt Walsh/ 869 Comments. If I were to name the four most ... |
#101 Being Offended | Stuff White People Like
To be offended is usually a rather unpleasant experience, one that can ... try to only be offended in the most egregious and awful situations. ... “Flyover country” won't be hurt very badly, but the liberals on the coasts are ruined. |