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How Do We Know There Is a God? | Answers in Genesis
Usually the agnostic or atheist expects physical or scientific evidence for the ... What people often do not realize is that even if God appeared on the earth (which ... nature are clearly seen in the creation of the world around us ( Romans 1:20; ... |
BBC - Religions - Atheism: Reasons people choose atheism
But during the last few centuries, scientists have developed ... They believe that God is able to do things in the world: he can divide the waters ... |
Who Designed the Designer? - Common Sense Atheism
The best explanation for our world is an Intelligent Designer. ... At this point, I don' t know what else to do except to quote some scholars in an attempt to bludgeon my fellow atheists ... Here's atheist philosopher of science Peter Lipton: ... . Godcan create something out of nothing (creation ex nihilo premis... |
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My question to all atheists is that, why don't they believe in God? Can't they see His signs and can everything that happens on Earth happen by ... The two don't conflict in that manner because I believe that God could use science to create. |
Witnessing to Atheists - Christian Answers Network
The previous night I had listened to a CNN report that scientists had ... It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that if there is a God who created all ... The Bible tells us that He is in control, and that He does send judgments to this earth. God ... |
Quotes about God to consider...if you think science leads to atheism...
“I want to know how God created this world. ... . “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is ... |
Proof That God Exists: favourite quotes
Galileo. The atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a policeman. ... Science can tell us how to do many things, but it can not tell us what ought to be done. Author ... I was equally angry with Him for creating a world . |
If God created the universe, what created God? | BioLogos
A philosophical response is that God is the ultimate first cause; the atheist is left with a ... a black swan somewhere on the Earth compared to establishing that there isn't one. ... . In this case the response affirms but does not prove the reality of God. ... The world disclosed by modern science is far subtler and nuanced than t... |
Atheism - creation.com
Note that if an atheist states, “I do not believe in God”, this is technically ... . Referring to our ability to “step off the Earth and look back at ourselves,” ... Michael Shermer made reference to “the spiritual side of science”, which he ... |
Answers for Atheists and Agnostics - Evidence for God from Science
I Don't Believe the Bible Anyway If you are an atheist intent on destroying Christianity, you must argue against the God of the Bible, ... Are atheistic alternatives to the earth's design reasonable? ... Did God Create Evil - Does the Bible Say So? |
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Is this idea even possible? Does science address such issues? ... In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). This verse tells us that ... |
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But on our Earth, there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and ... Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous ... And like many atheists, the issue of people believing in God bothered me greatly. |
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Do you really believe that there is a hole in the ground that I am going to be thrown into ... I began to realize that science had its limitations — that science, in fact, ... |
Answers for atheists!
We created this page in response to some atheists who have sent some very nasty emails to show ... So, here's our suggestion up front: God knows who is and isn't His. ... According to the Scriptures, life on earth as we know it is about to come to an end - perhaps as soon ... Science does not, and cannot "disprove the Bibl... |