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Liberals love to make fun of conservatives complaining that they are delusional ... Examples abound such as clinging to the 'global warming' story and then ... Thinks No One Is Richer When Empires Go To War, A Deliberate Lie ... out with their hands up in tribute to slain Ferguson teenager Michael Brown ... |
You can't tell, but we have our hands up cos we were recording an episode of LibPunk ... to a changing climate of scholarly publishing is to cling to the old model till the ship sinks. ... The URL may have changed, but it's still in our hearts. ... about Occupy Wall Street, other Occupies, and the Occupy Libraries in particular... |
The dilemma of false narratives | Wizbang
He said the “Hands Up” gesture is far from a literal representation of the ... discharged from the Marine Corps) and lied to coworkers at another restaurant, ... public view, others remained (and still remain) visible symbols of injustice. ... .. Yet , these protesters cling to the discredited claims of some that Brown ... |
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Liberals can't defeat conservatives until liberals learn to master the ... Some will still deny the truth and cling to their comfortable lies, but they won't be ... ... receiving corps came out of the stadium tunnel with their hands up in… |
MassLive.com Politics Forum
So, you are sayng libs are cons? by joebeat1, 11/29/14 9:37 PM ... No, your lies about conservatives... . by monsonrep, 11/30/14 10:57 PM New! 2. How liberal ... . 1. Hands up don't punch a cop in the face by hillary2016, 11/28/14 9:18 AM; 2. ... Still clinging to those old llies? by lichtenstein, 11/26/14 1:48 PM. |
Report: At least seven black witnesses have corroborated Darren ...
When you are so heavily invested in a lie, no amount of objective evidence ... of his car” explanation that many of the nuts on lib websites still cling to. ... . This whole Gentle Giant, Hands Up, Don't Shoot is just kabuki theater ... |
IFS attacks Labour, Lib Dem and Tory failure to outline cuts - Daily Mail
'The blame for this lies primarily with the current Government's refusal to conduct a ... Tory plans are tougher still, with the IFS suggesting they would require the most ... .. Cheryl try to cling on to Summer at charity event Wore bright lime green ... . Did Michael Brown ever really say, 'Hands up, don'... |
Did the Police in Ferguson Lie on Day 1? | Ordinary Times
Liberals, Leftists, Violence, and Justice ... 1) Yes, it looks like the police did lie. ... .. Just continue to stand still with his hands up? ... ... Oh, yeah, I'm an unlettered, unreconstructed, amoral, bitter-clinging “fundie” with a microchip ... |
Darren Wilson's friends demand that 'star' witness in Michael Brown ...
They say that he made up the claim that Brown had his hands up which kickstarted ... They were the ones who spread and supported the lie to the masses without ... . Still promoting the Al Sharpton talking points, I see. ... .. want it to be, and like most liberals, you aren't going to let any FACTS get in the way. |